Kay Firth-Butterfield

Kay Firth-Butterfield

Kay Firth-Butterfield

CEO, Good Tech Advisory, TIME Impact Honouree 2024; Former Head of AI and Member of the Exec Comm at World Economic Forum, World's 1st Chief AI Ethics Officer in 2014. Keynote Speaker and Advisor on Responsible AI

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  • Speciality: AI, Law

Speeches By: Matthew White

Room#2 01:00PM - 12:00PM
1st Day

How to Start Freelancing

All the generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunk as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.
Place: 5 Universal Principles of Company Growth
Room#1 02:00PM - 03:30PM
2nd Day

Design for Startups

All the generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunk as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.
Place: 5 Universal Principles of Company Growth
Room#3 03:00PM - 03:30PM
3rd Day

Finance For Freelancers

All the generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunk as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.
Place: 5 Universal Principles of Company Growth
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